Thursday, July 29, 2004

My rewritten Books. The Unbearable Lightness of Being Earnest.

We tend trying to escape our own obligations towards ourselves, by wearing masks and bestowing blame upon all others, and making up excuses after excuses for not being ourselves. There is no escape, though, in the end. In the end, we will be visited by Azrael, and what is supposed to happen, will happen, despite our unfaithfulness towards Faite itself, as she bears her double real name. 
It is said that only if you live in the shadow of the angel of death you may pass over the valley of death and not be called upon your own death. To live in the shadow of the angel of death is not to be alive, not to be dead. As you escape death, you escape yourself, you escape life and all it entails. One must come to terms with oneself, and one’s own death, in order to truly live, while one’s living. Peeling yourself of all masks, a human onion as it were, would you reveal your true self? Or yet another persona, devoid of trickstery, to be sure, but yet a white paper mask that begs to be colored? Is there death to those who are truly themselves? Or only a truer, more complete death?


Friday, July 02, 2004

At least I know what I'm not.

I am not the same here and there.
I am not the same now and then.
I am not the same withal or moreover or nevertheless.
I am not the same with you or with other..
I am not the same whether or neither either nor not but too.
I am not balance.

My Rewritten Books. Waiting for Godot in the Human Voice.

- Hello?
- Yes.
- Hello. Is Godot there?
- Godot?
- Yes, is he there?
- Godot.
- Yes. May I speak to him?
- Yes. You may speak to him.
- …
- …
- Aren’t you going to call him?
- Call him?
- Is it you? Are you Godot?
- Who’s asking?
- Oh. I just… Godot? Is it really you? Can I talk to you for a second?
- Yes...?
(The sound of rain pours through the holes of the phone’s earpiece)


Megaton Koan Defused 11

If unrepeatability is transitority and transitority is peripathetic, and consequently peripatheticity unrepeated, what is a circus or a cloister good for?


Megaton Koan Defused 10

According to Deleuze, what is the opposite to a treehouse?

Solutio: a rhizome open-space under modifying wheather.


Megaton Koan Defused 10

How is “breaking the box” compatible with “non-aggressiveness”?


Megaton Koan Defused 9

The only perpetual feature of memory is change.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

Under the shadow of the sun.

The famous Angel of History that Walter Benjamin talked about has white wings, for the sunlight reflects upon them. But because the Angel is being blown backwards into the future a little above the ground, he casts a huge shadow upon the earth.
He who chases the Angel, that is to say, he who pursues History consciously, attempting to keep up the same pace and project himself upon it, ends up running underneath the shadow. Only the ones who are aware that such pursuit is unattainable will opt for other paths, whatever they may be, wherever they may lead. Only they will stride illuminated by the Sun.  Posted by Hello